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At times like these an example always helps, so here's an extract from an XML representation of a DBMS schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE db-schema SYSTEM "file:///db-schema.dtd"> <db-schema name="mmspring"> <templates> <template name="systemId"> <column name="systemId" type="long" allows-null="false" description="Primary key (auto-generated)"> <column-override dbms="mssql, mysql" auto-increment="true"/> </column> </template> <template ... <sequence dbms="postgres8,oracle" name="SEQ_MsoUser_SystemId"/> <table name="MsoUser" description="Authorised users of MSO's" size="small" update-frequency="low" select-frequency="low"> <columns> <column template="systemId" /> <column name="userName" type="varchar" length="18" allows-null="false" description="Full name of the user"/> <column name="bigtextcol" type="varchar" length="8000"> <column-override dbms="oracle,mssql" type="clob" length="0"/> </column> .... </columns> <constraints> <primary-key name="PK_MsoUser"> <column-ref name="systemId"/> </primary-key> <unique name="UN_MsoUser_mso_userName" description="MSO and userName combination must be unique"> <column-ref name="mso"/> <column-ref name="userName"/> </unique> <foreign-key name="FK_MsoUser_Mso" references="Mso"> <column-ref name="mso"/> <referenced-column name="systemId"/> </foreign-key> </constraints> <indexes> <index name="IN_MsoUser_userName"> <column-ref name="userName"/> </index> </indexes> </table> <table ... </db-schema>
OK, so it's a little contrived, but you can probably see what's going on here. In particular, you can guess that if the target DBMS is Oracle or Microsoft SQLServer, instead of doing the normal DBMS mapping for a varchar for the bigtextcol column, instead we use a CLOB, and omit the length (by setting it to zero). The CLOB will mapped to a CLOB column in Oracle, and a TEXT in SQLServer. In other words, you get pretty full control.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The tables should be listed in dependency order - in other words, your foreign keys should only refer to tables that have already appeared in the XML, rather than tables that occur later. dbmstools always does things in the order you've specified in the XML (except for drop scripts, where the order is reversed).
There is a document type definition (DTD) in the same directory as the main scripts, called db-schema.dtd. The DTD isn't ever checked if you're using CPython, even if you add a reference to it in your XML database schema document (since the xml.dom.minidom parser is non-validating).
However, if you're running any of the tools using Jython (and therefore also if running from an ant build script), the DTD will be checked if you insert a reference to it in the XML document, i.e.:
<!DOCTYPE db-schema SYSTEM "file:///db-schema.dtd">
The XML structure for defining a database schema is shown below, with the number of occurrences of each element shown in brackets. Documentation for each of these elements can be found in the following section.
Note that description elements are omitted in this tree - see the following sections for details.
Every element which allows a description attribute (see the table below) also supports a description sub-element (which is used in preference). This allows one-liners to be included as attributes (often more convenient and compact), while more involved descriptions can use the element form.
Many of the schema elements allow a condition element, which is used to determine whether the element will be included in any output (based on variables supplied to the tool at execution time).
Conditions have the following structure:
Notes for the following table:
Parent | Element | Notes and attributes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
- | db-schema | The root element for the schema XML document. Attributes:
db-schema | description | Alternative to the description attribute | ||||||||||||||||||||||
db-schema | variables | Defines any variables that may be used in conditions or for token replacement | ||||||||||||||||||||||
db-schema | schema-override | Overrides the standard schema name (here the global default) for one or more specified DBMSs. Zero or more. Attributes:
db-schema | templates | Contains 1 or more 'template' elements, which are used as templates when creating columns. Optional | ||||||||||||||||||||||
db-schema | grant-templates | Contains 1 or more 'grant-template' elements, which are used as templates when creating sets of grants. Optional | ||||||||||||||||||||||
db-schema | sequence | Defines a database sequence (of numbers) for DBMSs that support them, e.g. Oracle, Postgres. Zero or more. Attributes:
db-schema | table | Defines a table in the schema. Zero or more. Attributes:
variables | variable | Defines a variable that may be used in conditions or for token replacement. Values for variables must be passed into the tool (on the command-line, or via properties in the ant build file).
variable | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
variable | valid-value | Represents a single value that can be held by the variable | ||||||||||||||||||||||
schema-override | condition | A condition to be evaluated based on the variables supplied at runtime. The containing element will only be included if the condition evaluates as True | ||||||||||||||||||||||
condition | if-set | Evaluates true if the named variable is set (either at runtime, or via a default-value)
condition | if-value | Evaluates true if the named variable contains the specified value
condition | if-value-in | Evaluates true if the named variable contains any of the specified values
condition | not | Negates the contained condition element (if-set, if-value, if-value-in, and or or) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
condition | or | True if any of the contained condition elements are true (if-set, if-value, if-value-in, not, and or or) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
condition | and | True if all of the contained condition elements are true (if-set, if-value, if-value-in, not, and or or) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
if-value-in | value | A valid value for the variable | ||||||||||||||||||||||
templates | template | Defines a column template that can be used (in whole or in part) when defining columns in tables. Zero or more. Attributes:
template | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
template | column | Defines a column within a column template. Mandatory. Attributes:
column | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
column | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
column | column-override | Defines a column override, which overrides the standard values for the column for one or more specified DBMSs. It's normally only required when you want to do something special, like identity columns, LOBs, raw types etc. Optional. Attributes:
column-override | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
column-override | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
grant-templates | grant-template | Defines a grant template that can be used to apply a pre-defined set of grants to a table. Zero or more. Attributes:
grant-template | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
grant-template | grant | Defines the grant of one or more actions for a single role. One or more required. Attributes:
grant | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
grant | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
sequence | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
sequence | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
sequence | schema-override | See definition for database element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
sequence | grants | Defines a set of action grants to a role for a sequence. Optional | ||||||||||||||||||||||
grants | grant | Defines the grant of one or more actions for a single role on the sequence or table. See definition under grant-template | ||||||||||||||||||||||
sequence | grant-set | Pointer to a grant-template used to apply a set of grants together. Optional. Attributes:
table | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
table | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
table | schema-override | See definition for database element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
table | columns | Defines the set of columns in the table. Mandatory | ||||||||||||||||||||||
columns | column | Defines a column within the table. Documentation is generally as for the 'column' element above (in the 'template' section), with the following differences:
table | constraints | Contains all primary key, unique and foreign key constraints for the table. Optional | ||||||||||||||||||||||
constraints | primary-key | Defines the primary key for a table. Optional. Attributes:
primary-key | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
primary-key | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
primary-key | column-ref | Defines one of the columns making up a primary key. One or more, in order. Attributes:
column-ref | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
constraints | unique | Defines a unique constraint applied to one or more columns in a table. Optional. Attributes:
unique | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
unique | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
unique | column-ref | Defines one of the columns making up a unique constraint. One or more, in order. Attributes as per column-ref in primary-key above | ||||||||||||||||||||||
constraints | foreign-key | Defines a foreign key relationship to another table. Zero or more. Attributes:
foreign-key | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
foreign-key | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
foreign-key | column-ref | Defines one of the columns in this table that refers to the other table in the foreign key relationship. One or more, in order. Attributes as per column-ref in primary-key above | ||||||||||||||||||||||
foreign-key | referenced-column | Defines one of the columns in the referenced table in the foreign key relationship. Only required if the foreign key doesn't relate to the primary key of the referenced table, but in that case you must have one such element for each column-ref, in the same order. Attributes as per column-ref in primary-key above | ||||||||||||||||||||||
referenced-column | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
table | indexes | Contains all indexes for the table. Optional | ||||||||||||||||||||||
indexes | index | Defines a single index on the table. One or more required. Attributes:
index | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
index | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
index | column-ref | Defines one of the columns in this index. Zero or more, in order (at least one column-ref or expression is required). Attributes as per column-ref in primary-key above | ||||||||||||||||||||||
index | expression | Defines an SQL expression used in this index, for DBMSs that support expressions on indexes. For example, "upper(name)" or "name(30)". Zero or more, in order (at least one column-ref or expression is required).
expression | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
table | storage-lines | Defines a set of raw lines that are written after the closing bracket in the table create statement. Typically used for Oracle storage parameters. Optional | ||||||||||||||||||||||
storage-lines | storage-line | Defines a single raw line to be written after the closing bracket in the table create statement. Typically used for Oracle storage parameters. One or more, in order. Attributes:
storage-line | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
storage-line | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
table | grants | Defines a set of action grants to a role for a table. Optional | ||||||||||||||||||||||
grants | grant | Defines the grant of one or more actions for a single role on the table. See definition under grant-template | ||||||||||||||||||||||
table | grant-set | Pointer to a grant-template used to apply a set of grants together. Optional. Attributes:
db-schema | view | Defines a view in the schema. Zero or more. Attributes:
view | description | See definition for db-schema element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
view | condition | See definition for schema-override element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
view | schema-override | See definition for database element | ||||||||||||||||||||||
view | view-definition | Contains the actual definition of the view (as text within the element), for 1 or more DBMS. This should contain only the DML part of the definition, i.e. it should include neither 'CREATE VIEW xxx AS' nor the command terminator (;). One or more
view | grants | See definition for table | ||||||||||||||||||||||
view | grant-set | See definition for table |
The standard column type mapping is shown in the following table. Note that all these mappings can be over-ridden using column-override elements, with either the 'type' or 'raw-type' attributes.
Standard type | DBMS | DBMS type | Notes |
int | default | NUMERIC(9,0) | Assumed to be a 32-bit signed integer |
int | postgres7, postgres8, sqlite | INTEGER | |
int | mysql, mssql, hsql | INT | |
long | default | NUMERIC(18,0) | Assumed to be a 64-bit signed integer |
long | postgres7, postgres8, mysql, mssql hsql, sqlite | BIGINT | |
short | default | NUMERIC(5,0) | Assumed to be a 16-bit signed integer |
short | postgres7, postgres8 mysql, mssql hsql, sqlite | SMALLINT | |
tiny | default | NUMERIC(3,0) | Assumed to be an 8-bit signed integer |
tiny | mysql | TINYINT | |
boolean | default | BOOLEAN | |
boolean | oracle | CHAR(1) | |
boolean | mssql | BIT | |
varchar | default | VARCHAR | Variable length character column |
varchar | oracle | VARCHAR2 | |
char | default | CHAR | Fixed length character column, space-padded |
numeric | default | NUMERIC | Arbitrary length and scale numeric |
numeric | oracle | NUMBER | |
datetime | default | TIMESTAMP | |
datetime | oracle | TIMESTAMP | Only works from Oracle 9 onwards |
datetime | mysql | DATETIME | |
datetime | mssql | DATETIME | A word to the wise - MSSQL datetimes are rounded to the nearest 3 milliseconds (or thereabouts). This fact has shortened my lifespan by at least 3 years :{ |
date | default | DATE | |
blob | default | BLOB | Binary large object |
blob | postgres7, postgres8 | BYTEA | |
blob | mysql | LONGBLOB | |
blob | mssql | IMAGE | |
blob | hsql | LONGVARBINARY | |
clob | default | CLOB | Character large object |
clob | postgres7, postgres8, mssql, sqlite | TEXT | |
clob | mysql | LONGTEXT | |
clob | hsql | LONGVARCHAR |
By using the -w option, xml2doc allows limited Wiki-style formatting to be included in descriptions.
Format | Start | End | Example | Result |
Bold | * | * | These *words are* in bold | These words are in bold |
Underlined | _ | _ | And _this_ one is underlined | And this one is underlined (I can't really show it here, but you know what underlining looks like) |
Literal | ` (i.e. a backtick) | ` | Useful for `codes` | Useful for codes |
Line break | [[BR]] | Nothing | A line[[BR]]Another line | A line
Another line
The three character markup types (bold, underlined and literal) share the following rules:
- The first format character must be preceded by white space (including a new line), or a literal line break ([[BR]])
- The first format character must not be followed by white space
- The second format character must not be preceded by white space.
In other words, the following are invalid:
White space _ after_ the first format character White space `before ` the first second character
Here's a description, followed by what it will be turned into.
description="*Current* status of the project. Values are:[[BR]] `SI`: Setup - initial[[BR]] `SD`: Setup - generating diffs[[BR]] `SF`: Setup - selecting files[[BR]] `RP`: Review - preparation[[BR]] `RM`: Review - meeting[[BR]] `C`: Complete"
This will be output as:
Variables can be used for 2 purposes:
- Controlling the generation of schema items, with conditions based on variable values
- As replaceable tokens in description fields.
To use a variable, you must:
- Define the variable, in the variables section of the XML schema. Definitions can also include valid values, and a default value
- Note that the dbms variable is always provided - there's no need to define it
- Optionally, provide a value for the variable at runtime. For command-line tools, this uses the --var name:value option syntax, while the Ant wrappers for these tools use the <mapargument name="variables"> element to define the values. If you defined a default value for the variable, there's no need to provide a value at runtime.
The elements that can be used for conditions are defined in the conditions section above.
All variables can be used in description attributes/elements, using the ${variableName} syntax. The DBMS for which the schema is being generated is also included as a virtual variable, accessible as ${dbms}.
Here's a simple example of a single variable used to control inclusion of an index. Note that the values are also included in the schema description, where they'll be included by xml2doc, and also that we're using Wiki markup.
Fragments of the XML schema:
<db-schema name="varexample"> <description> A sample schema for showing off variables and schema variants.[[BR]] [[BR]] Generated for DBMS: *${dbms}* [[BR]] Schema variant: *${schemaType}* </description> <variables> <variable name="schemaType" default="single" valid-values="single, master, slave"/> </variables> ... <table name="atable" ... > ... <indexes> <index name="IN_someindex" description="A big expensive index"> <condition> <and> <if-value-in variable="schemaType" values="single, slave"/> <not><if-value variable="dbms" value="hsql"/></not> </and> </condition> ... </index> </indexes> </table> ... </db-schema>
And you'd generate the master schema for your target DBMSs like this:
$ main/ -d postgres8,oracle,mssql -tw --var schemaType:master schema.xml